Corporate responsibility
HL has a long track record in sustainable development. We accept and respect our responsibility to all of our stakeholders and follow clear policies and guidelines to ensure continued value creation.Our corporate responsibility policy
Our operations are built upon the company’s values, vision and mission. We outline our approach to corporate responsibility in our Corporate Responsibility Policy, Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Suppliers (replacing the Purchasing Policy as of 2021).
Our commitments
HL has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2010. The principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption have been an integral part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. During 2020, HL became signatories of the Science Based Targets initiative and have delivered our Science Based Targets during 2022.
In 2019, HL reviewed the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and identified the ones on which we have the biggest impact throughout our business and sustainability efforts. Four development goals were selected as the most important ones to address:
HL's key priorities:
Helping customers to create more sustainable stores
HL provides sustainable solutions with a focus on end-of-life product treatment. We aim to expand the Sustainable Choice offer and apart from addressing matters such as food waste and consumer packaging, we offer products that are resource efficient and lasting.
Creating the best workplace
HL continuously invests in inclusive and safe work environments for our employees - embracing diversity and equality. We create a workplace where people live the HL values, and where all employees adhere to the Code of Conduct.
Driving continuous improvement in operations
HL's ambition is to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and to increase the use of recycled and environmentally friendly materials. We are committed to decreasing raw material and water consumption, as well as improve the efficiency of transportation.
Ensuring responsibility throughout the supply chain
HL has a comprehensive supplier risk assessment and requires all suppliers to sign and adhere to the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. It establishes the company's strong position against corruption, ensuring employees and stakeholders practice honesty, integrity and responsibility.
Targets 2024
Helping customers to create more sustainable stores
To increase sales of HL Sustainable Choice offer by 10% year on year. Expand our Circular Offer to more markets.
Creating the best workplace
Maintain a score of 5 or less for Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate. Increase overall Engagement Index in the annual employment survey to 75. Maintain a score of 78 for “Regardless of background, everyone at HL Display has an equal opportunity to succeed”.
Driving continuous improvement in operations
Deliver on CO₂ reduction plan according to targets set in-line with SBTi. Increase the use of recycled material with 10% year on year.
Ensuring responsibility throughout the supply chain
To repeat the self-assessment for important suppliers which have completed the self-assessment in 2021 and account for 80% of total spend. For all new suppliers to sign the Code of Conduct for Suppliers. Ten on-site audits to be conducted. Supplier Full review of the 50 biggest suppliers.
Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2023
Read highlights of the report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2023 - Highlights
Our value chain:

Environmental responsibility
We are recognising our responsibility to make a contribution to tackling climate change and are committed to use environmental resources with care. As we are striving to lead the development of innovative and sustainable solutions, reducing our usage of virgin plastic, energy and water in our production processes as well decreasing production waste are priorities for HL.
Social responsibility
We value and respect our trading partners in every corner of the globe and continually strive to promote the highest ethical standards. As the company expanded and began operating in Asia, Europe and other continents, our standards for conducting business were raised in order to adapt to each unique region.
Financial responsibility
We are committed to achieving sustainability, profitability and long-term growth by applying ethical business practices and trading responsibly. The majority of economic value generated by HL is distributed to company stakeholders, which include suppliers, employees, owners and lenders. The company complies to local taxation laws in each country we are operating in.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets the standards and company’s position on working conditions, conflicts of interest, compliance, bribery and environmental issues. It guides us in how we treat the people in our company and our suppliers.
HL's Code of Conduct demonstrates our strong position against corruption, ensuring employees and stakeholders practice honesty, integrity and responsibility. With a no tolerance stance on bribery, extortion or corruption and strict adherence to regulatory requirements, the Code of Conduct clearly defines the fundamental principles that every company representative should follow. Our Code of Conduct is part of our Corporate Responsibility Policy.
HL believes in social and environmental responsibility and ethical conduct and expects its business partners to do the same. HL is being developed with long-term sustainability in mind, which also includes building sustainable relationships with our business partners. Furthermore, HL and its business partners have an obligation to all stakeholders to observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing.
Whistleblowing – HL Speak Up
Our whistleblowing service (HL Speak Up) is an early warning system to reduce risks and maintain high ethical standards and confidence in us. The whistleblowing service is managed by an external party, where suspicions can be reported anonymously and securely by employees, partners and third parties. HL Speak Up is completely distinct from HL’s IT systems and web services and does not maintain IP addresses or other data that could trace a whistleblower. All reports are strongly encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals.
HL is an equal opportunity employer and adheres to its own Corporate Responsibility Policy that defines how the company shall operate. The company offers a safe and developing workplace for employees by respecting employees’ rights to collective bargaining and encouraging participation in trade unions.
Strict adherence to the CR Policy is expected by company suppliers who are required to sign a purchasing policy containing requirements and information relating to human rights, labour and anti-corruption. HL Display’s representatives regularly visit suppliers to monitor compliance and environmental issues.
Report an incident via the whistleblower function
Management systems
Responsible production means running factories in an efficient and environmentally responsible way. HL strives to continuously improve its environmental performance by complying with policies and standards, reducing the environmental impact of its production and working with ethical suppliers. The company's management systems and policies for quality, work and conduct ensure minimal waste and the highest standards of safety during production.
ISO Certification
HL is compliant with the SS-EN ISO 9001 and SS-EN ISO 14001 environmental management standards, with 75 percent of production facilities being certified.
When manufacturing and sourcing new materials, HL complies with REACH, the EU’s chemicals legislation. Suppliers must also guarantee compliance with all applicable environmental laws and sign a written undertaking regarding REACH.