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ESL holder, rail

For SmartTag, Promoline and Continuum labels. With hinge function for flip-up functionality. Can be assembled with HL unique click-on rear part system or taped directly onto the shelf. With the use of angle CS2C small, medium or large, angles from 25° to 70°. Track for fixation of shelftalkers on the top of the rail.

Our wide range of ESL attachment solutions fits most shelving systems on the market. The ESL holders are easy to use and offer protection for labels to endure the wear-and-tear of the retail environment. With flexible solutions for shelves, and a full range of single holders, there is a suitable fixture for every placement.

  • Product name: CP2
  • Product position: Shelf edge
  • Mounting type: Foam tape
  • Shelf type: Metal
  • ESL manufacturer: Pricer, Hanshow
  • ESL model: Pricer SmartTAG, Pricer Continuum, Pricer Promoline, Hanshow Stellar, Hanshow Nowa
  • Standard angle (°): 0˚
  • Standard material: PVC